- This engine may be the most well-known one. It has been ported to C++ and Java. MIT license.
Box2DAS3Box2DFlashAS3- Crayon Physics Deluxe made the people attracted to this engine. Box2D was written in C++, now ported to AS3 as Box2DFlashAS3. zlib/ligpng licence.
- It was lately released, but seems worth trying. MIT license.
- Fisix
- Perhaps you do not know this engine because of its own license. Let's check the demo.
- Motor Physics
- This one is expected to join the AS3 physics engine list. Some demos are already available. zlib/libpng license.
- Papervision3D
- I think that I do not need to explain about this most known 3D engine. MIT License.
- Away3D
- This engine is Papervision3D based one, but has has better visual quality.
- Sandy
- I immediately understood this name because I am a Japanese (see why). The API resembles Java3D, e.g. TransfomGroup class.
Corrected the name of Box2DFlashAS3. (Nov. 23)