Oct 29, 2007

a nasty one.

A really really nasty one. I can not understand a compile error of C#, CS1583 that says 'file' is not a valid Win32 resource file. For details, see MSDN Forum. I saw this error when I compiled Apple Wireless Keyboard Helper for Windows at 3:00 am. I was sleepy and did not have energy to read articles on the forum. Then I read only the latest post that says:

Just double click on properties at solution explorer then you will see an option button with a textbox contaning file name delete it ,or copy same file in your home comp at same location.

I tried this way then succeeded to compile the project. I started to test the application against my JIS keyboard, and found that '英数' and 'かな' key have scan code 113 and 114.

Oct 2, 2007

Color detection by AS3

Here is a demo of skin color detection by ActionScript 3.
  • Inspired by this video.
  • Hatsune Miku swings her arm when skin color moves vertically.
  • Push V key to show/hide camera input.
  • Push M key to show/hide detection result.
Detection algorithm is of this paper, section 3.1. Because this algorithm is very simple, it can be implemented by bitmap filter. Performance should be compared between both implementations.