Nov 19, 2008

Alchemy has arrived eventually !

Today the timeline of twitter was filled by the tweets about Adobe Alchemy. This project is quite impressive for me because I am used to C/C++, and relatively new to Flash. Then I began to install it to my Ubuntu 8.04 in the VirtualBox.

There is a zip file of Alchemy Toolkit for Linux which contains README.ubuntu. At first I thought this file is valuable for me, but it was not. README.ubuntu did not help me. I read the install steps for Mac that is not so different from Linux's one.

After that the second problem has come. llvm-gcc is not found. when I tried following command;

gcc stringecho.c -O3 -Wall -swc -o stringecho.swc
there was no output in the console. I checked gcc.
vim `which gcc`
gcc is not a binary executable but a perl script for Alchemy from the time alc-on command is executed until the time alc-off is executed. I put some checkpoints in gcc and found that this script exits when trying to run llvm-gcc command. The reason of that is quite simple. There is no command named llvm-gcc.

$ALCHEMY_HOME/bin/llvm-gcc is a symbolic link to $ALCHEMY_HOME/bin/llvm-gcc4-ubuntu-install/bin/llvm-gcc that does not exist. I need this file or link llvm-gcc to somewhere appropriate.