Jul 8, 2007

install svk

I know Mercurial is a great SCM system which is called distributed one. I am using svn and commiting my code many times when I made changes. It may disturb others because revision number changes frequently. Distributed SCM systems are different, however they do not have integrated GUI like TortoiseSVN. Even if Mercurial got such interface, repositories I am working on are still svn's one. svk is a solution to use svn as distributed one. I refered these sites to install svk. At the moment, I made a copy of remote repository and checked out files from there. Revision number had been smaller. It seems that revisions are skipped which are not related to files I got from remote repository. This may be a problem when I use svn:keyword like $Id$ or $Rev$. Later, I will write about it.

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